Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Social Market: Currrency "Like" No Other

What makes one popular on social media?

 This is a question that takes the form of many answers, one would say it’s the amount of re blogs, likes, and re tweets you get. Or is it the number of followers/friends that you have?  Basically what brings people to your page? What links you two together, but more importantly how do these likes in return benefit you? There documentary "Generation Like" answers these questions and show examples in great detail by supporting evidence and many examples of success. The video argument is that likes, re tweets, and re blogs are what control the Internet, market and success of people through the mean so social media. Ultimately you just want to be ‘liked” The more followers one has the more prosperous you will be. It focuses on how the likes, re tweets and etc are the icons on this generation because everyone can relate. The video also argues that people are in control of media and the content it displays. People build and leverage social media network by the use of likes and through likes you gain followers from people who think the same or share the same interest. In return  marketers some get endorsed and get money in some cases.Perfect example is used in the film for the famous actor Ian Somerhalder who plays a role in Vampire Dairies. Although hes famous and tons of people like him if one look at his like and his fans they share similar interest. If one like Ian and he likes the product and now you have a double endorsement. So now companies will pay  to showcase their product. Whether that be in a commercial, meme, or video on the Internet. But more importantly what’s the problem with the films argument logic?  But how do you get to this point/whats your audience? What makes people like you and enjoy you. What interactions do you have to get to this point, and more importantly how can you get paid for this?  What dies this reveal about technology? and what does it reveal about itself and how is the argument backed up in the video. This analysis will  help you to understand that technology is also a mean of  marketing and  it used transparently without you even knowing.

Image result for generation likez                  Image result for generation like

The thought of Social Currency?

Wouldn’t one like to get paid for making videos that you enjoy doing or interacting on your page? It’s easy, at least that’s what this pathos documentary displays. It portrays the idea that you can get “internet wealthy” just by what you like to do, what you like and sharing it with people on the web. But were no talking about actually currency. Those little likes turn into what is called liquid gold or (corporate sponsorship). Most of it is through the means of endorsement, for a well-known brand or whatever they want they’re spokesperson or model to be. An example of there is the kid (BabyScumBag) who just started off posting his cool skateboards moves on the Internet. And those videos seem to get lots of attention, so the clothing company Primitive started endorsing his with clothes and of course he wears them in his videos promoting that company. The ideas of it is pretty cool to be a marketing idea for companies. The tried to use an Pathos way of persuasion because  in the film they stated that his family has always had a problem with money, so its make one feel sympathy for him. But that’s not the case for all. The upcoming artist Oliver Luckett for his music video Ford lets him drive a fusion ion the video thus endorsing themselves through him. But the last thing people can get paid for is the company’s placing ads on video as well and that real cash!! So that might be what people need to earn a few extra bucks. The logic behind this argument however is not the best. Yes there supporting evidence in the video with example of Tyler Oakley and many others but these are only a select few people out a huge number  of people actually in these social media. Out of the millions pages you only saw a total of 5 in the video one being already famous.  So although the logos idea behind this is great, its not enough to  make it valid. Which brings me to the next process which is how you get discovered and who’s the audience behind all this. Ill also tell you about my personal experience.
Image result for social currency              Image result for social currency

Interactions and Attention!

 As stated in the video and what the video argument believe to be true is that social media is self-empowering. It makes people feel as though they to something. People inspire to be like & become famous. They “thirst” for likes. So how to get noticed and to whom is the audience in situations. When  a poduct get noticed by doing or liking the same idea or products as others, and when something is liked online its building its identity. When there is a common interest and  a fan base and that’s what the acknowledgment and attention come from. A fan base ultimately becomes a consumer and your consumer is your marketer. So who is the audience when you just starting out small like this the audience is just whoever you can attract at the moment. This audience is glad to share your content and it isn’t until these little interactions that you acquire that you audience gets the attention of big names such as celebrities. Two example from the video were 
  1. The girl in love with Hunger Games tweeted the actor’s multiple time until she was finally acknowledged by one of the main actors. When he interacted with her she gained 60 -70 followers from people who also watched the Hunger Games. That little interaction stretched her followers a huge amount. 
  2. Another example of getting exposure or stretching your audience. Is the collaborations done by people with a lot of subscribers with those of lowers subscribers. So when they are featured in higher subscribed videos those subscribers go to their page and end of liking them 
A huge problem with this logic that settle in the video is that. Even though their doing collabs they are doing collabs with people who have lots of followers still. They aren’t doing collabs with people with only a few hundred subscribers. We don’t think about until you actually comprehended it because when viewing the documentary were looking at in an ethos view. So you still have to get your name out there on your own.
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             Based on the analysis you can see the marketing of brand through social media, and how transparently they do it without forcing it on you. The argument in the film was backed up very well This film provided a wealth of knowledge pertaining to that with supporting details as well. The rhetorical device of all three elements except for Ethos were put together in this documentary. Pathos would be at the end because after watching the film you feel the need to go out and film and start your own identity on the Internet and then be discovered of liked. Ethos element was used simply by the fact of what we watched as the film. Finally Logos was the use of the examples in the film to show that the marketing skills and tactics work. Overall the film did have a huge effect. It males one  look at social media a whole lot differently now. Whether it’s an ad that pops up or a video with obvious endorsement shown in it. It effectiveness of getting its point across was also well presented and developed.

For more information on the film you could go to  or  see excerpts of it on YouTube as the one presented above.

Generation Like. Prod. FRANK KOUGHAN. Perf. Ian Somerhalder, Douglas Rushkoff. FRONTLINE, February 18,2014. Transcript.